thoughts on loosing a loved one

2010 September 04

Created by William 13 years ago
Death is such a final thing . I don,t think I really understood what it means till now . I have lost friends and indeed familly uncles ,Aunties and grandparents . It just never sank in what it was all about . It has now though all you seem to do is want that extra time with the loved one you have lost . You know that it is not possible but it does not stop you wanting it and wanting it . The night my mother died we had been to the hospital and she looked so much better . I went home after talking to the ward sister and being told we could be taking her home soon to care for her ourselfs . I was so much happier than I had been for weeks and then to get the phone call at approximately 4.30 am . To sit with her holding her hand as she slowly slipped away all of us in tears heart broken . I will never ever forget the look on my dads face . It was total devastation heart break